
Dienstag, Juni 12, 2012

Zum Thema Metaanalyse & Gender

"Meta-analysis of gender and science

Dear colleague

We are pleased to inform you that the website of the 'meta-analysis' project ( gives full access to the GSD and the final thematic reports. The sinthesis report is now ready for printing and will be available in short.

We are also pleased to announce the special issue 'Beyond the leaky pipeline: Challenges for research on gender and science' (Brussels Economic Review, Vol. 54 (2/3) edited by Maria Caprile, Danièle Meulders, Sile O'Dorchai and Núria Vallès. This issue brings together 10 articles that present some of the results of the study and its final conference. (see attached the table of contents).

If you wish to receive this issue, please send your postal address to this mail:"

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